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1099 E-filing made easy with Intacct and

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Intacct is a bit different than some of our other integrated partners. Clients of Intacct may be on a single-entity version or a multi-entity version. Accountant users access their clients via a dashboard.

These differences allow for an integration of information with multiple entities. The integration with Intacct could even bring in multiple clients at once. Intacct also tracks multiple types of 1099 forms, not just the 1099-MISC. We can pull any of those form types through our integration with Intacct. Let’s take a look at how it works.

In Intacct

Vendors and payments must be set up in Intacct. You can use the “Create 1099 File” option under “Accounts Payable” to verify the integration will carry over correctly.

To set up your vendors, make sure you have a 1099 form selected. You’ll also have to choose a default box for their payments. You’ll find that under the “Additional Information” tab for each vendor. This is where you will enter the TIN type (EIN/SSN). You’ll also enter the actual TIN.

When everything is ready in Intacct, you’re ready to begin the import.


To initiate the process, login to Open the Import menu on the left side of the screen, and select “Intacct.” You’ll be asked for your Intacct credentials. These include the company ID, user ID, and password. Select the type of form you’d like to file. Pick the tax year you would like to import data from.

If you are filing for a single entity, the system will direct you to an import grid. If you have another entity to file for, you will have that option before you go to the import grid.

In the import grid, look for vendors rows with red dots. Click on the flag column to filter by the red dots. These vendors may have missing data, or data that isn’t formatted correctly. You should return to Intacct to fix these issues. Then, you will re-import to This makes sure that data is updated in both locations.

You can choose to make edits in, if you’d prefer to do so. You can edit by vendors individually, or you can bulk edit. To do this, click the “Apply to Selected” option. This allows you to change the box categories for multiple vendors at one time. Either way, you should download the error lists as a reference for the errors.

When you are ready to submit and pay for your forms, click the checkbox in the top left corner of the import grid. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click “next.”

E-file forms

We schedule all forms to e-file with the IRS on the deadline date, March 31. Up to that date, you may edit your forms. After the scheduled date, you must make changes by filing a corrected form. The scheduled date gives you time to make changes without having to file an additional form.

We offer vendor form delivery by USPS, PDF to e-mail, and PDF to portal. As per the guidelines in IRS Publication 1179, we track vendor opt-in statuses for portal delivery. This helps you and your clients remain in compliance. You can also choose to download, print, and mail recipient form copies. PDF’s of forms are available to your in These PDF’s can be printed on blank paper. Mail the forms in a #10 double-window envelope.

Why should you e-file with You can:

  • Integrate with Intacct and other leading accounting software
  • File forms/corrected forms year-round
  • Access your forms online at any time
  • Use prior-year filing for corrected forms or to bring a company into compliance
  • Deliver forms to recipients
  • Upgrade to Enterprise to control user rights and manage form workflow
Integrate Intacct with Take advantage of a best-in-class e-filing solution.