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Get your form 1099 filing extension

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We’ve reached the end of February. Some of you may have circled February 28th on your calendar as “deadline day” for filing your 1099 forms. Now that the day is here, you’re scrambling to purchase the pre-printed forms, to print and to fold the forms, to stuff the envelopes, to put stamps on forms, to get the forms to the post office…

Recognize that process? So do many of our users – they followed that process before migrating to Tax1099. The fast, accurate, secure eFiling experience we provide replaces the time-intensive process with a filing only a few clicks away.

Some of our users transition to Tax1099 more intentionally than others. Some of our users find themselves unprepared for the February 28th paper filing deadline, and look for ways to get an extension on their filing. They discover eFiling; an automatic, month-long extension of the paper filing deadline.

When you eFile your 1099 forms, your deadline is automatically extended from February 28th to March the 31st. This extra month gives many of our users the time they need to collect and verify information before sending forms to the IRS and states.

eFiling does more than extend your deadline.
When you eFile, the IRS does not require a 1096 summary form to be submitted. This means that you can submit forms under a payer in separate batches. If you’re ready with a grouping of forms, you can submit those, and come back and submit the others later. This can be helpful is minimizing late filing penalties, if you’re unable to complete a few of your forms before the deadline.

Our comprehensive eFiling solution adds to the benefits of eFiling with an array of compliance tools.
We offer W-9 eSolicitations and TIN matching, to help you with collecting and verifying information. Your data entry process is easier than ever with our seamless integrations. We also import from Excel spreadsheets, and offer templates to help you map your fields to the correct boxes. If you only need to enter a few forms, you can key in your information. We have robust vendor form delivery options, with USPS and emailed forms that you can track from your account.

After your filing, we continue to support your compliance with IRS regulations. We store your forms and information in our system for 7 years. This also streamlines next year’s filing. You can download and print your forms from our site after submitting. We also generate reports, for your records – the 1096, a Payer Report, Submission History report, and more.

Visit our how-to video page to learn more about eFiling with Tax1099, and let us know if you have any questions!